Say Goodbye to Post-Massage Soreness

8 Expert Tips to Relieve and Enhance Deep Tissue Massage Recovery

While deep tissue therapeutic bodywork can provide significant benefits, it’s common to experience some post-massage soreness or discomfort. To help you alleviate any lingering discomfort and optimize the benefits of your deep tissue massage, here are some self-care tips to follow at home:

  • Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water after your massage helps flush out lactic acid, metabolic byproducts, and lymphatic waste that builds up and are released during the treatment.  It also keeps your muscles supple and hydrated. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day.

drink more water pint2go


  • Take a Warm Bath: Soaking in a warm bath can be very soothing and help relax your muscles. Consider adding Elixir Mind Body Botanicals Mineral Salts to enhance your experience. Rich in minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, and potassium, these minerals are absorbed through the skin and can help reduce inflammation, promote muscle relaxation, and provide additional pain relief. The essential oil blends in the Relief and Recover Salts are specifically created to help with sore muscles.

bearded man soaking in a bath tub and relaxing


  • Use Topical Analgesics: Apply either Elixir Mind Body Botanicals Relief Balm or CBD Body Cream to reduce muscle soreness. Apply these topical analgesics to the affected areas for quick relief.

Elixir Mind Body Botanicals Relief Balm

  • Apply Ice and Heat Contrast Therapy: To reduce inflammation and relieve soreness, you can use ice and heat therapy. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth then switch to using a heating pad in the affected areas for about 15-20 minutes at a time. 

Woman using ice pack on sore muscles


  • Gentle Stretches: Perform gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness. Focus on the areas that received specific attention during your massage. Avoid overstretching or pushing your muscles too hard, as it can lead to further soreness or injury.

Flexible Woman doing yoga stretches

  • Rest and Relax: Allow your body to rest and recover after a deep tissue massage. Avoid intense physical activities, heavy lifting, or strenuous exercise for at least 24-48 hours. Instead, prioritize relaxation and give your body time to heal. Gentle exercises such as walking or yoga are fine and may help with any soreness.

Couple relaxing at home together


  • Maintain Good Posture: Pay attention to your posture, especially if your massage targeted specific areas affected by poor posture. Sit and stand up straight, aligning your shoulders, neck, and spine. Proper posture can prevent unnecessary strain on your muscles.

9 Examples of good and bad posture

  • Communicate with Your Massage Therapist: If you experience any persistent or unusual discomfort after your massage, don’t hesitate to contact Elixir. They can provide additional guidance or address any concerns you may have.

Male Massage Therapist Using Deep Tissue Massage Techniques

Remember, everyone’s body responds differently to massage, so it’s normal to experience some soreness. By following these post-massage tips, you can help minimize any soreness and maximize the benefits of your deep-tissue massage. Enjoy the healing process and take good care of yourself!

If you have any questions you can always reach out to our experienced and knowledgeable team for more information at 303-571-4455 or