For those on a time crunch, traditional chair massage can be very helpful for a fast tune up, but it may not provide lasting relief we therapists typically like to see. A 30 minute table massage is more effective; however, it requires time to change in and out of clothing so it’s not always ideal for a quick in and out service.
Enter RAD, a Colorado based company, specializing in self care mobility and massage tools.
I met the brilliant RAD representative, Julie, at an Elixir staff meeting in late 2017. In less than an hour she showed us all how we could release muscles all over our bodies with these high tech tools. The ergonomic curves of the RAD Helix fit around the spine like no foam roller could, and the grooves, spiral-cut into the sides promote blood and lymph flow. In the past, I’d used tennis balls, golf balls, and lacrosse balls to release tight muscles in my back. The RAD Rollers and Rounds easily replaced these with their medical grade silicone and 3 different density and size options.
After just an hour of playing around with these tools, I was truly amazed at the release I felt all over my body. I was sold when Julie showed us how to combine tools to increase leverage, reduce fatigue and improve myofascial release. I took home a Point Release Kit, which came with even more instructions on tool use and care. RAD’s website and Youtube Channel also gave me a lot of good information to work with. Now I use my RAD tools, especially the Rod and Helix combo, after workouts, long work days, or even when I just wake up feeling stiff. My favorite thing about RAD is that you can use any tool, anywhere, just depending on what feels best to you.
I was rolling my back out with the Helix so often that my girlfriend asked me to do it for her. In the process of rolling out her back, the stars aligned and the idea for the RAD Rollout Chair Massage was born. I knew the tools worked well through clothing and could provide a quick release. I could already feel in myself that continued use of the RAD tools can provide lasting results especially when used regularly. Finally, a massage therapist using a RAD tool instead of their own hands, forearms and elbows, saves a lot of wear and tear on their bodies. These four components together are what make the RAD Rollout potent and unique.
While RAD typically focuses on self care, my task was to design techniques which could be provided by a massage therapist to a client sitting on a massage chair. This was so easy, because just about anything you do with RAD feels like it was designed specifically for your body and the results are palpable. I also wanted to write a protocol that would flow similarly to a regular massage, progressing from broad tools to more specific ones and moving around the whole body, releasing tension everywhere you go. The RAD Rollout features a sampling of the five most popular tools: The RAD Rod, Helix, Atom, Roller, and Rounds.
It took a few months, and a lot of trial and error, to finalize my specific protocol. Unlike traditional chair massage The RAD Rollout is a FULL BODY massage, releasing tension from head to toe in just 30 minutes. Our goal after every massage is to send guests home with the skills and knowledge, and finally, the tools; to take their health into their own hands. With regular massage and self-care between sessions, you can kiss your chronic pain goodbye!