Beyond Body Benefits: Massage for The Mind

We all know what it’s like to feel that familiar pain or stiffness and think – I need to book a massage! But did you know the many ways your body needs and responds to massage that doesn’t revolve around muscles?

When guests come to Elixir Mind Body Massage while processing grief, making a big decision, or even dealing with a breakup they may feel the uplifting emotional results are magic! But there’s no magic involved at all. Massage is clinically proven to reduce PTSD, depression, anxiety, and even anger in cancer patients going through treatment. It also can sharpen mental focus and boost an immune system battered by chronic stress.

By increasing the available levels of natural Dopamine, Serotonin, and helping to regulate Cortisol levels, massage aids in many modern struggles surrounding emotional traumas.  The massage recipient is more able to experience satisfaction, joy, inspiration, and calm post-treatment.  The best part is that the body can achieve all of this naturally and safely, without chemical enhancements that may carry unwanted side-effects.

Elixir clients looking for emotional well being and a quieter mind, absolutely love The Essential Balance for it’s harmonizing effects on the mind and body. It’s even been described as feeling like ‘natural Valium’!  If you need a mini-vacation try booking several services together for a spa day.  By combining a massage, facial, and sauna for whole body release and the kind of relaxation that can only come with someone fully focusing on making you feel your best. CBD has also been proven to help with anxiety and Elixir has a few ways for you to incorporate CBD in your service with the ReLeaf CBD Massage, CBD Signature Facial, or a high potency CBD oil enhancement.  To experience a connecting service with a loved one or partner, try our seasonal Chakra Massage, (available in February and March) which focuses on the third eye, heart, and sacral energy centers – all critical areas for relationship health.

“The root of all health is in the brain.

The trunk of it is in emotion.

The branches and leaves are the body.

The flower of health blooms

when all parts work together.”

– Kurdish folk wisdom

So next time you’re considering when to get a massage, remember Elixir is here to support your Mind and Body.