FromAllentown, PA


Customized • Deep • Caring

I have great respect for the body to heal itself and feel massage is a way to assist the healing process. Physical, mental, and emotional strain take a toll on the body each day and a combination of relaxation and therapeutic techniques helps me to encourage the body to relieve built-up stress and re-establish its natural strength and balance. Our bodies are strong. A massage that is customized to your individual needs will help you keep feeling strong.

A combination of relaxation and therapeutic techniques helps me to encourage the body to relieve built-up stress and re-establish its natural strength and balance.

Our hope at Elixir is that affordable regular massage will encourage you to nourish your body, your mind and your spirit. We invite you to visit. Take some down time. You’ll not only save money, you’ll reap the long-term benefits of a healthy you.