The Chakra Massage

Celebrate Your Mind, Body and Chakra Connection

Celebrate the season of love in a meaningful way with this deeply balancing service. Thoughtfully designed to cater to healthly relationships with others and yourself. Your Therapist will focus on your Third Eye, Heart, and Sacral Chakras while performing intensely relaxing massage techniques and a balancing Chakra Reflexology foot treatment.  Your senses will be delighted with special essential oil blends to activate and restore each targeted Chakra – a critical energy center for thriving relationships.

Purple with upside down triangle representing the third eye chakraThe Third Eye Chakra represents our ability to focus on and see the big picture. When this area is unblocked you release confusion and ignorance and, improve your intuition, imagination, wisdom, and ability to think and make decisions.

Heart Chakra green imageThe Heart Chakra represents our ability to love – the quality of our love, our past loves and our future loves.  When this area is unblocked you release apathy, grief, and rejection and open yourself to compassion, connectedness, and inner peace.

orange flower with a sliver moon representing the Sacral ChakraThe Sacral Chakra represents our sense of abundance, well-being, and pleasure. When this area is unblocked you release anger, loneliness, and resentment and you open yourself to creativity, confidence, and the ability to socialize joyfully.

Enjoy this service with your special someone with a Couples Chakra Massage or celebrate yourself as an individual service. Either way, we’re sure you’ll be feeling the love when you’re through!

The Chakra Massage Package is seasonal and offered only in February and March.

Reserve your service now as space and time are limited.

More about chakras

Guest Rates

Elixir’s award winning provides the link between feeling good and being well at an affordable rate.
60 Minutes (for single) - $145
60 Minutes (for two) - $290
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Elixir is truly an urban retreat, and an experience in and of itself